This blog post is not politically correct


I just got off the phone with my step-son, who had just tried to conduct a conversation with his birth mother, a borderline personality. He was justifiably upset.


My own mother was a borderline personality. So is the ex-wife of one of my son-in-laws. That’s three really toxic people, in this one little circle of extended family. (And not related to one another by birth.) Three people who do not listen to others, swing wildly from clinging to attacking, cannot be depended upon, lie without even realizing it, and simply don’t care what the facts are. Three different people, in this one extended family, who are incapable of using reason to make decisions; they live only to defend whatever crazy thing they just said or did, and wreck havoc wherever they go.


The question in my mind today is, does this ratio hold true in the larger population? We already know that about 1 in every 25 people are sociopathic. Then how many are borderline personalities? How many are narcissists? Just how many people in any given population are mentally and emotionally incapable of registering facts, even when those facts are biting them in the ass?


No wonder it’s so hard to practice democracy.


And, could these ratios explain what’s happening to the Republican party? Has it been gradually absorbing all those who are too mentally unbalanced to care about what happens to other people? Has it become the Party of Brain-Wiring Misfires?


Told you this post would be politically incorrect.