Shadow In The USA
The book available for download on this website, Shadow In The USA, exists to promote a better understanding of the human shadow.
The what? The human shadow? Never heard of it, you say. Well don’t feel bad. So far psychologists are about the only people who have heard of it. But you already know something about how the human shadow works: ‘‘That’s the pot calling the kettle black!”
Why promote a better understanding of the human shadow? Because we live in a time when humanity’s destructive power has outstripped its consciousness.
At personal levels (me versus you), state levels (Blue State versus Red State), national levels (war/terrorism), and global levels (climate change/ecological damage), we waste time and intelligence blaming others, rather than using time and intelligence to correct problems. Denial-Projection-Blame. Denial-Projection-Blame. A downward spiral if there ever was one.
So let’s do what we can about that.
READ this book. If you find it helpful, SHARE it with others. DISCUSS the issue with others.
“We need an entirely new way of thinking if mankind is to survive.”
–Albert Einstein