Fear of Change

A person who doesn't want to change themselves can't afford to acknowledge the changes that other people make. Particularly hard changes, soul changes, positive changes. On a sub-conscious level, it's just too threatening. Oh my gosh! If they can change, that means I could, too!

If we fear change ourselves for some reason — from a narrow and biased upbringing, or from love of the staqus quo, or from sheer spiritual laziness — we pigeon-hole another person early on So-and-so is like this, and then spend the rest of our lives trying not to let that particular pigeon out of the cage we've constructed for it in our minds. Even if it turns into a swan or an eagle or a phoenix right before our eyes.

You see it all the time in families. You see it all the time in politics.

We accuse the other person (or the other party) of acting the way they did 20 years ago or 30 years ago or 40 years ago, rather than making an honest effort to see how they're acting right now.

Wonder what this world would be like if we let one another change, if we let one another grow.